What do you do when you're stuck inside AAAAALLLLL day with a toddler because of bad weather?! You scour Pinterest for easy indoor activities that involve random items you have in your house. Enter the winner: SHAVING CREAM!
I found multiple ideas involving marbled paper and food coloring mixed with shaving cream and all I thought was "I do not want too bad of a mess" and here we are. The easiest painting project to date.
Shaving cream window art. Seriously. SO easy. And clean up was a snap.
Simply take a can of shaving cream (not gel). I used a can of Barbisol and this can will easily last me years of fun. A little goes a loooooong way.
Spray some on the window. Let your toddler have a field day.
And clean up? Simply take a paper towel and wipe it off!
Side note: if you have issues in your bathroom with foggy mirrors, shaving cream stops that from happening!
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