
Wednesday, October 14, 2020

What's Cooking Wednesday: TJ's Grilled Cheese

When I make a basic grilled cheese, I use white bread, american cheese, and spread mayo on the outside of the bread for the perfect sear.
When I make grown-up grilled cheese, I do the following. And it's oh-so-good.

Trader Joe's Grilled Cheese 
(named this because I get all my ingredients from Trader Joe's) 

Tuscan Pane bread
Gralic spread
Toscano cheese
Pickled jalepenos

Place butter in the pan to melt. Spread both pieces of bread with the garlic spread (inside the sandwich). Grate the toscano cheese onto one side and top with pickled jalepenos. Place other piece of bread on top (garlic spread inside). Grill in the pan and add more butter when you flip to grill the opposite side for an even grill. Enjoy!

Fair warning, it's got a bite to it with the jalepenos but it's soooooo good!    

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